
Groomsmen Gift Idea

Today we're following with another post on gift ideas. This time it's for groomsmen. This is what I got in my inbox this morning:


Initially I was going to ask my groomsmen about groomsmen gift ideas but then I thought better of it. I think you would probably come up with better ideas. I was wondering if you had any ideas for groomsmen gifts. Something that they'd actually like and use. I did google searches and stuff but they all seem kind of the usual like cuff links, key chains, leather flasks, money clips. so any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you, 

Since I happen to personally know this groom, two of his groomsmen, and their love for beer, I think personalized pilsner glasses are a great idea. I googled "personalized pilsner" and found a shop wiki site with tons of links to online stores. Personalizing the glasses with the groomsmen's last names in calligraphy would be cool and timeless.

You could pay for etching or engraving but it looks pretty easy to do some etching yourself. Look at what Centsational Girl did to her water carafes, soap jars, coffee bean jar, and even her bathroom glass cabinet doors. For more tips and tricks, check out Martha's Craft Department on Glass Etching.

Image: Flickr Creative Commons by isforinsects

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